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噛む と 頭 が 痛い (Kamu to atama ga itai) is a common phrase in Japanese that translates to "chewing makes my head hurt" in English. This phrase is often used to describe the unpleasant feeling of having a headache after chewing too much or too hard. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い, as well as ways to prevent this discomfort from occurring. Causes of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い. There are several possible causes of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い, including:.
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1. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ).
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One of the most common causes of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い is TMJ, a condition that affects the joints and muscles of the jaw. This disorder can be caused by various factors such as stress, teeth grinding, misalignment of the teeth, or injury to the jaw. 2. Tooth problems.
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Another possible cause of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い is tooth problems such as cavities, infection, or wisdom teeth coming in. These issues can lead to pain in the jaw and head when chewing. 3. Tension headaches. Tension headaches are a type of headache that can be triggered by stress or muscle tension in the head, neck, and jaw. These headaches can cause pain and discomfort when chewing. Symptoms of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い.
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The main symptom of 噛む と 頭 が 痛い is, of course, the pain in the head that occurs when chewing. However, there are other symptoms that may accompany this discomfort, such as:. 1.
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Pain or tenderness in the jaw joint. 2. Difficulty opening or closing the mouth.
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噛む と 頭 が 痛い

3. Clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw.
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4. Headaches, especially in the temples or behind the eyes. 5. Neck and shoulder pain. 6. Dizziness or vertigo. 7. Earache or ringing in the ears.

噛む と 頭 が 痛い

8. Tooth pain or sensitivity. Treatment for 噛む と 頭 が 痛い. The treatment for 噛む と 頭 が 痛い will depend on the underlying cause. Some possible treatments include:.
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1. Resting the jaw.

噛む と 頭 が 痛い

If the pain is caused by overuse of the jaw muscles, resting the jaw and avoiding hard or chewy foods may help alleviate the discomfort.
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2. Pain relief medication.

噛む と 頭 が 痛い

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help to reduce the pain caused by.
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